We are just starting out so we are building up our business listings. If you are a business that is still trading during the current COVID-19 pandemic then please register your business with us for FREE.

is an initiative of two small I.T. businesses (KarBec IT Services and Kove Technology) to support businesses wanting to broaden their online presence and to promote shopping local.

Recently added businesses that have taken advantage of the free registration.

Quick & Simple Signup

  • 1. Select Membership

    (FREE option available)

  • 2. Enter Store Name & Login Details

    (username, email address, password, store name)

  • 3. Receive Approval Email

    (once details confirmed your store is approved)

  • 4. Update Store Details

    (description, open hours, logo, etc)

  • 5. Add Products to Sell Online

    (with easy to use product manager)

Coming Soon!!


iPhone & Android

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